Brothers Story No.32 First Casting K, Lac & Golf——Wanke photo + video

Brothers Story No.32 First Casting K, Lac & Golf——Wanke photo + video

Resource Type:Photo+video
Resource size:781MB
Number of photo pages:45
Video duration:8minutes 28 seconds + 11 minutes + 21 minutes 23 seconds
Retail code:Brothers Story No.32
Download software:Baidu Netdisk,google drive,OneDrive
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Brothers Story No.32

Let’s open the moment of happiness by taking a look at the first moments of the boys. Coming to model casting with Brothers. Before becoming a model to cover for fans to see, it has to go through the screening and then again. To get a model of the Brothers style. that is ready to give happiness to all readers For the 3 handsome boys that the Brothers selected the behind-the-scenes scenes from casting models to watch, it was the queue of the 3 boys “Lack-K-Golf”, especially the 2 boys K-Golf, who demanded a lot of fans to see the Brothers. And the team therefore asked to arrange it in a clumsy way. I can only say that I’m satisfied with nothing blocking. Young K is the first time to come and see real moments. Hope that friends. love will be happy enjoy The exciting behind the scenes that Brothers brought to upload.

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