NO.49 Desire in the MenAtPlay Club - Wanke Video

NO.49 Desire in the MenAtPlay Club - Wanke Video

Resource Type:video
Resource size:706MB
Number of photo pages:no
Video duration:21Minutes 18 seconds
Retail code:NO.49MenAtPlay
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MenAtPlay Suits Formal Collection Playing At Club-X

actor:Dani robles & MenAtPlay Suits Formal Collection Room Service

Franky Fox is the manager of a brand new cruising club,The club will open on Friday。 He's at the club making sure everything is ready,accidentally opened the door。 Dani Robles thinks clubs are open,and are curious about the state of the new institution,So come in。

Franky lets Dani know the bar isn't open yet,But take random encounters as an opportunity。 He takes Dani on a tour and explains that the main goal of the club is to help men relax (and play) after work。

When the two are talking,Danny starts to feel the heat between his legs,while imagining the impending debauchery,and confirmed that he will come on Friday。 But Dani and Franky can wait or resist their desires – They want to play and cum now!

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