NO.19MenAtPlay-Young Liar-Wanke Video

NO.19MenAtPlay-Young Liar-Wanke Video

Resource Type:video
Resource size:410MB
Number of photo pages:no
Video duration:22Minutes 21 seconds
Retail code:NO.19MenAtPlay
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MenAtPlay Suit Formal Wear Collection Young Hustler

James Fox works hard,And also like to play from time to time! Well known,Stress can make people particularly hungry-James is looking for some young company。 He contacted and arranged with the young escort Edward Trant (Edward Terrant) Call。

When Edward arrived at the appointment from the back door,Mr. Fox is ready for service。 This young liar showed that he can accept like a man and give him what he wants!

actor:Edward Terrant & James Fox

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